• Implementation of a simple and intuitive graphic user interface for a smoking automatization system created in the first part of the project. The above system is a modular universal system to control the smoking process of foods automatically to provide a more pleasant experience of smoking for the user and spare the need in manual interference.
  • Design and implementation of a hamster wheel than can charge a phone. The charging circuit can be controlled and monitored by an app, using Bluetooth.
  • In this project two software applications were developed (Android and Arduino apps). Both apps are designed to be used to control and operate the Glaucoma device and to display the results on an Android device.
  • Building a mechanical cat feeding device to deploy food for a speciefic cat at speceific times determined by the user. Including all the sensors and motors to do so using 3D printing to assemble the project. It also includes a specially developed app for the user UI to be easy and friendly. this app shows all the data extracted from the device for the user to view.
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