Meet smoker controller

Implementation of a simple and intuitive graphic user interface for a smoking automatization system created in the first part of the project. The above system is a modular universal system to control the smoking process of foods automatically to provide a more pleasant experience of smoking for the user and spare the need in manual interference.

Smoking is a method of cooking meat and other foods over a fire with a presence of smoke, which gives the food a unique aroma. The source of smoke is usually wood chips and charcoal. It’s possible to smoke different kinds of food, but we’ll concentrate mostly on smoking meat. Using smoking techniques, one can transform a regular slice of mean into a delicious treat. For smoking food, a special smoker is needed. Smokers vary in size and shape. Their prices start with a few hundred shekels for a simple model and can go up to thousands for a professional one.

As of today, the most popular smoker is a “dumb” coal smoker, one with a simple construct and no sophisticated technology. Such units are operated manually and require constant manual interference and monitoring during the smoking process. The main goal of the project is to achieve maximum automatization of the smoking process in simple coal smokers using a special control system which is installed on the smoker.

The smoking process usually lasts for a few hours, therefore the main challenges in the smoking process are keeping a stable temperature and humidity for a long time inside the smoker and providing coal and wood supply to the burning chamber as needed. The topic of this project is an implementation of a modular universal system to control the three mentioned components of smoking process automatically to provide a more pleasant experience of smoking for the user and spare the need in manual interference.

The second part of the project is base on implementing a simple graphic user interface to interact with the smoker controller, based on the Firebase Realtime Database and HTML/JS web application.