Implementation of LZRW3 data compression algorithm.
Project tag: xup5
The goal of this project was to implement an interactive embedded system, based on MicroBlaze processor and Linux OS, interacting with user through a PS2 keyboard and using an LCD screen as an output.
Implementation of Out-of-Order execution engine on the base of OpenRISC architecture.
The goal of the project is to build a multicore system based on the OpenRISC architecture, and implement it on Xilinx XUPV5 (aka ML509) board.
Infrastructure design & implementation of MIPS processors for students lab - based on Bluespec HDL
Implementing Pipelined MIPS processor using Bluespec System Verilog, and run it on FPGA.
Independent system connected to the Internet that can transfer data and control from and to a PC and store large amount of data transferred from a PC on the DDR.
The project goal is designing high speed decompression core and assemble its periphery units using VHDL language so it could be properly implemented on an FPGA.