Building a mechanical cat feeding device to deploy food for a speciefic cat at speceific times determined by the user. Including all the sensors and motors to do so using 3D printing to assemble the project. It also includes a specially developed app for the user UI to be easy and friendly. this app shows all the data extracted from the device for the user to view.

This is a project of two parts, software, and hardware, we will be attempting to build a cat feeding device from scratch, a user will be able to control and get data of the device in real-time through
a designated mobile app.
The purpose of the project is to help pet owners to care for their pets when they are not around by being able to feed the pet, and only it, by a smartphone.
The device will be able to deploy food at specific times of day, determined by the user, he will decide when and how much to feed the cat according to the data the device get about the food bowl condition (Weight sensor).
In addition, the owner gets real-time information and notifications about the status of the device and the pet, for instance he could view the number of times that the pet approached (RF tag reads), the number of times it ate and the food tank level (Distance sensor).
The smartphone app will show all of this data for the user in a user-friendly UI and will give him the ability to set feeding times. The app will also show all the feeding times that the user has pre-set beforehand,
also the app will notify the user about new events, such as low food levels and food deployments.
The device body itself is suitable as a household item, steady, and holds enough food to comfort the user and help him.