The project is part of the Sub-Nyquist sampling and reconstruction card. Our goal was to implement DSP unit on FlexRio FPGA card under NI LabView environment, it includes integration to the full system (NI Chassis with 3 FlexRio FPGA cards).
For decades, radar sampling was constrained to the Nyquist theorem. Recently, new research has provided techniques to sample short-time pulses in sub-Nyquist rates, and to reconstruct them in efficient robust ways. Our project studies the existing techniques and further improves them to achieve both noise robustness and estimation accuracy.
In this project we implemented a full communication system (Transmitter & Receiver). The system supports two modulation types: QPSK and 8-PSK. The work environment of the project was NI-Labview, and the system was designed to work at high speed rates on FPGA.