The project is part of the Sub-Nyquist sampling and reconstruction card. Our goal was to implement DSP unit on FlexRio FPGA card under NI LabView environment, it includes integration to the full system (NI Chassis with 3 FlexRio FPGA cards).
The project is part of the Sub-Nyquist Xampling project and a sub-module of the Reconstruction block. This project takes the frequency slices and detects the transmission bands in them highlighting the beginning and end of each band. It then filters the noises around these bands in order to get a clearer picture.
In this project we implemented a full communication system (Transmitter & Receiver). The system supports two modulation types: QPSK and 8-PSK. The work environment of the project was NI-Labview, and the system was designed to work at high speed rates on FPGA.
The project goal is to Create a FIR filter that can process pulses from photon counting detectors and perform Peak Detection using NI Labview FPGA. Trapezoidal Filter is a type of Shaper(time domain filters for nuclear spectroscopy), it used in order to get optimal noise performance from signal. Trapezoidal Shaper immune to “ballistic deficit”, that causes energy distortion in the spectrum.