Solution based on IOT utilization to prevent sheep from steal or any distress situation.
Every sheep would be equipped with a connected collar that will be able to inform the Shepherd on its situation.
A sophisticated algorithm would be able to detect any dangerous case by using sensors, GPS and other data, and alert the shepherd by a SOS message.

Solution based on IOT utilization to prevent sheep from steal or any distress situation.
Every sheep would be equipped with a connected collar that will be able
to inform the shepherd on its situation. A sophisticated algorithm that able to detect any dangerous case by using sensors, GPS and other
data, and alert the shepherd by a SOS message.
The Solution based on a distributed algorithms that will be able to connect the sheep to others and also detect any distress situation. The algorithms should be power conservative, what means that we would like to send the less messages and able to establish closest connection.
The project divided to two part.
1. Connection algorithm running on Arduino that ensure a faithful connection between the sheeps and connect them to the master that will be responsible to transmit the data to the server.
2. Detection algorithm running on the server that use the data transmitted by the sheeps to decide if there is any distress situation. In case of SOS the algorithm will alert the shepherd.