Continuously monitoring and controlling greenhouses’ climate has been proven as key to growth and quality of the crop. A simple way of answering the above needs is by implementing an IoT system. This project uses an ESP32 and a specifically designed phone application to answer these needs.

Continuously monitoring and controlling greenhouses’ climate has been proven as key to growth and quality of the crop. The project’s major goal is to design a system that enables the above. Simplicity and user friendly interface were main criteria for the development of the system. These guide lines made an IoT system the obvious choice for implementing this system. This project uses an ESP32 and a specifically designed phone application to answer the mentioned needs. The ESP32, located next to the greenhouse, functions as the system’s “brain” while the phone application eases operating the system. Analyzing the requirements, main factors to monitor and control are levels of light, temperature and humidity, which derives installing led lights, heating pads and fans (referred to as “climate controllers”) respectively. The ESP32 and the phone application wirelessly communicate through a cloud server, both using Wi-Fi connection. The application receives climate data from sensors, which are connected to the ESP32 and placed inside the greenhouse, and transfers the user’s desire to the ESP32, which correspondingly updates the climate controllers’ activation mode. All these internal processes are transparent to the user, who only sees the current greenhouse’s climate and sets the desirable values, all on his phone screen.