The project is 2-semestrial and includes working with Altera DE-2 and DE-3 educational boards, USB analyzer and USB webcam. In the first part of the project we built and configured the system which runs on Altera DE2 board and operates USB interface with generic webcam. We implemented USB host interface which enables to detect, configure the video cam and get isochronous video stream. The video stream is then decoded and transferred to VGA buffer for displaying on monitor. The second part of the project dealt with migrating the code to DE2 USB2 environment and streaming video to VGA monitor at greater quality

- Project goal is to design and implement software USB 1.1 host driver for webcam. This is System-on-Chip implementation that will be able to function as stand-alone unit without PC.
- Modern approach to system development is to implement generic hardware systems such as CPU as software functions. This enables high versatility, development simplicity and cheap production.
- The project uses Nios 2 softcore CPU to run system code and process USB isochronous data.