Implementation and design of a video player on ZedBoard with a display driver for the FMC-HMI expansion board.

The project involved building an embedded system which implements an efficient Intellectual Property (IP) design for the FPGA
bare-bones firmware running on ARM core allowing video to play at maximum screen resolution at 25 frame per second (FPS)
The system is based on the ZedBoard and consists of two main aspects:
- Hardware:
Intellectual Property (IP) cores implementation for:
- Collecting frames from external memory by a special dedicated hardware which guarantees data transfer at high BW.
- Processing each frame by adding timing and synchronization signals in addition to frame’s data.
- FMC-HMI driver utilizing synthesized memory as a frame buffer.
AXI interface is established among all IPs and Arm core.
- Software:
A general C library activating the IPs as data structures.
Program incorporating all of the above to perform the required task.