A touch and display controller supporting FMC-HMI card.
The HDL code targets Zedboard, which is connected to the FMC-HMI through the FMC and XADC interfaces.
Recognize when and where the display is touched, draws crossed lines in exact location on LCD.

Major features studied during the project:
- the 4-Wire resisitive touch screens protocol
- properly use the XADC found on the Xilinx ZynQ FPGA
- FMC-HMI LCD protocol
Touch controller has been developed to apply the proper control signals and voltages to the touch display and analog MUX located on the expansion card. Controller is also responsible for reading the output voltages and converting it into X and Y coordinates.
TFT LCD controller was designed,It generates all appropriate control and synchronisation signals for the display.Interface between the custom hardware and Axi4-lite interconnect was designed, it allows the ARM CPU to access information whether the display is touched and read the coordinates.
As a result of the work, it is now possible to fully use the display and touch of FMC-HMI expansion card.