Smart cloud system, including a barcode scanner connected to an ESP32 controller. The controller sends information to the AWS cloud where it is stored and analyzed. The system can show the inventory of products that are currently in the fridge, send shopping list and notice about expiration dates of items in real time.

As modern technology advances, the Smart homes phenomenon and IOT devices are becoming much more common these days. Moreover, considering that food waste is global, social, economic and ecological problem we understand that creating a smart refrigerator is an obvious solution to decrease this problems effect and to improve the quality of life.
We introduce a prototype of smart cloud fridge system. The project is a two-part system.
The first part includes the barcode scanner, ESP32 Arduino controller, two switches and a button for the user. The barcode is scanner is used to scan items as the user puts them in the refrigerator or takes them out. The first switch is used to select a mode; first mode is ‘admin’ mode where the user has the power to create an individual item list (which includes the type and quantity of the items he wants). Second mode is ‘inventory’ mode, which controls the quantity of items that are in fridge. The second switch is used to decide which action to take – adding or subtracting .The button is used to send shopping list (based on the difference between the wanted quantity of an item and its current quantity). After the switches state is selected, the ESP32 sends the information to the cloud via Wi-Fi.
The second part includes the data processing and storing in the cloud. The cloud has a compute service, which allows making all the calculations necessary, a database service, which allows storing all the needed data and a communication service, which allows sending the shopping list to user.