An automatic Nitrite concentration testing machine for tracking nitrite concentrations. The machine includes a water pumping system, a stirrer and a colorimeter. The machine checks the Nitrite concentration in the water every few hours without intervention from the user

Nitrite is part of the Nitrogen cycle and needs to be checked regularly along with other chemicals for the health of the fish and to see whether a water change is needed. A Nitrite concentration test uses a sample of water from the fish tank and an indicator which forms a reaction with the Nitrite in the water that changes the color of the water according to the concentration of Nitrite. For this automatic machine a water pumping system, a stirrer and a colorimeter were designed so that the machine works without intervention from the user. In the design of the project, the following had to be taken into account: the machine’s size and durability, using readily available components and the sealing of the enclosure so that light doesn’t get inside it. The colorimeter had to be calibrated using known concentrations, i.e., generate a Nitrite concentration as a function of the intensity of light plot so that for a measured intensity of light the machine will be able to tell the Nitrite concentration.