This project implement IOT system that will connect the user car to the home network for anti theft solution.
The system will notify, update and send real-time data collected by the system representing the current state.
The system implemented using LoRa as physical transfer layer and HTML based server as the user interface.

This project is implementing IoT low cost and easy to use device on PCB board with two modes of work.
The first one use as the car unit and collecting, processing and sending the data.
The latter function as the home unit and in charge on getting the data from the car unit and interconnect with the user.
Developed 2-way communication between the devices based on LoRa transfer layer which have free-license and long-range capabilities for transferring compact messages.
For achieving responsive system the packets contain only small amount of meaningful data.
By using Stop and Wait as the management protocol for transferring messages the system is reliable.
The interface of this system with the user done through HTML based server.
The server gets his data from the car unit and updates about the current state of the car.
Through the server the user being able to monitor but not only.
the user will able to turn on and off the car lights (stimulated by LEDs).
This feature giving the user the power to control and intimidate any unwanted near the car.
The whole system implemented on PCB board and developed on Arduino environment using known protocols and algorithms that modifies for our purposes.