Development of device that facilitates the monitoring of the upper eyelids motion, acquires the eyelid vertical movement and enables analysis and graphic presentation of the results. It should allow the patient to move freely in his/her natural environment. The primary purpose is to monitor eyelid movements and to compute the relevant eyelid movement parameters

The main components of the system consists of a tiny magnet located on the upper eyelid, a specially designed hardware system for real-time signal acquisition and computer software for analyzes real-time and off-line modes. Eyelid movement is one of the visual behaviors that reflect a person’s medical issues. The system should allow characterizing various bio-behaviors that typically implies one’s medical issues.
The system consists of three components: (1) glasses for the patient including magneto-sensitive (Hall) probes. (2) hardware – digital and analog cards that select, process, store or transmit the data. (3) A dedicated software allows a user friendly interface for the doctor.