Embedded system implementation of a weather station with a display driver for the FMC-HMI display, atmospheric sensors, an RTC and a touchscreen GUI with a C graphical library.

The project involved building an embedded system with a graphical user interface capable of monitoring and displaying temperature, humidity and pressure of the surrounding air in graphical form. The system is based on the Zedboard using three sensors on dauther cards with PMOD connectivity, and a display with an integrated touchscreen.
The end goal is receiving sensors measurements and displaying chosen data as a continuously updating graph with a basic surrounding GUI.
As an embedded system the project consists of two main aspects:
– Hardware
Sensor serial protocol (IIC/SPI) to AXI interfaces from Digilent Github.
Hardware implementation of the FMC-HMI driver utilizing synthesized memory as a frame buffer.
Touchscreen signal to AXI converter integrated from a past project.
– Software
Graphical C library implementing the GUI for the hardware.
Data structures for the displayed elements.
Timekeeping and RTC adjustment.
Program incorporating the above to perform the required task.