Given a Zedboard extended with FMC-HMI module we provide touch screen controller IP for Xilinx Zynq7000 that offloads communication between OS and the screen to FPGA. We provide bare-metal firmware for the IP and ways to extend Linux to utilize our IP.

In this project we use Zedboard extended with FMC-HMI touch screen to create an embedded User Interface.
We started from implementation of an IP component for Zynq7000 that offloads all the communication with the touch screen to FPGA. The IP utilizes standard DMA controller IP provided by Xilinx. The IP is able to draw image stream from DRAM to the screen with high frame rate and also receive events from touch sensor.
As a first stage of firmware implementation we created a bare-metal module that demonstrates the capabilities of our IP. Next stage was to extend Linux to be able to work with our IP and demonstrate workings with it from user space program.