The 'Internet of Things' is a network of many devices, embedded with electronics, software and sensors.
The connectivity between these objects enables collecting and exchanging data. Following this idea, utilizing strain gauge, ESP8266 microprocessor and Amazon Web Services we implemented a system, which conducts 'Structural Health Monitoring' a method for damage detection of engineering structures.

Now days, embedding the IoT principals leads to automation of various domains, such as agriculture, smart grids, virtual power plants, smart homes, intelligent transportation and smart cities. A common use of the IoT ideas is monitoring.
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is the process of implementing a damage detection and characterization strategy for engineering structures. Damage defined as a change of the material and/or geometric properties of a structural system, including changes to the boundary conditions and system connectivity, which adversely affect the system’s performance. These Damages often caused by natural disaster, deterioration of the materials and overload. SHM includes periodically sampled dynamic response measurements by special sensors. Analyzing those measurements, the engineer can assess the functionality and health of the structure. One of the sensors applied for this use is the strain gauge – an electro-mechanical device, which transforms the measured strain to electrical resistance, and can be measured accurately.
The project includes design and Implementation of a low power prototype for SHM. The device utilizes strain gauge, ESP8266 microprocessor, and Amazon Web Services.
In the course of the project, from the initial idea to the final prototype, we learned about the strain gauge, integrated programing in the Arduino IDE and the ESP8266. We also created electrical design for PCB layout, which was send for manufacturing. Through working on the cloud communication, we were acquainted with the AWS IoT designated platform.