The aim of the project is to Design and produce a low-power autonomous sensor that will be able to sense the temperature and humidity.
The collected information is transmitted to the application server, which introduces it in a browser user interface.

Global warming is one of the complicated problems that humanity has to deal with. The main difficulty with solving the problem is the lack of information of how man and his actions affect climate changes. Measurement and monitoring this microclimate may help to study global warming and enable a better understanding of its sources, thus finding effective and tailored solutions for each measured region.
The aim of the project is to Design and produce a low-power autonomous sensor that will be able to sense the temperature and humidity. The sensors will be distributed throughout the measured area, and transmit the information to the selected data center using IOT technology. The system will be simple to operate and stand up over time.
The project included 2 complementary projects, the first project focus on developing the system hardware- board design integrating temperature and humidity sensor, digital data transmitter, and controller. The second project focus on programing a server that received the measured data sent from the sensors. The data was processed and archived for use, through friendly user Website.