Car Emissions and Global Warming have direct relation, thus the personal vehicles are a major cause of global warming. Collectively, cars and trucks account for nearly 15% of the total emissions, emitting around 24 pounds of carbon dioxide and other global-warming gases for every gallon of gas, so with the help of the IOT technology , building an tiny, inexpensive sensor could help study the issue by counting the number of cars travling and passing through a speceific area.

Lately technology advanced beyond the scientist’s expectations, the world is living comfortably using electricity to run everything, including a dependable wireless technology in almost anything electronic. Now this doesn’t come at a cheap price, to produce this much power the world have to burn so much fuel which in turn is polluting the atmosphere and putting a dent in the atmosphere layers, the planet is heating up and becoming an inhabitable for the humans and they should think of a way to save it. Most cars today still use gas, most humans rely on a form of vehicle to transport which means they have a lot of emission to deal with, here is where the project comes in, in order to deal with the emission problem caused by vehicles it’s recommended to take a good look at the situations, for example, how many cars usually travel through a specific area, how much do they emit, how many cars are parked…etc. It is estimated that 15% of the total emissions come from cars, not only that but there is a strong correlation between the total number of vehicles and global warming. So, having some sort of sensor to track the number of cars would be really helpful to study and impact cars have on global warming.