Pet tracking device using LoRa protocol. The project is designed to meet specifications and guidelines that pet owners felt are necessary,
like location, Temperature, Accelerometer and more.

Each year, thousands of dogs and other pets are getting lost or stolen.
For many owners, the mere thought of their pet getting stolen is enough to cause distress.
In this project, we have conducted the full process of designing and building a pet tracking device,
designed to meet specifications and guidelines that pet owners felt are necessary in such a device.
Mechanical design was performed using SketchUp and electrical schematics and layout were performed using Eagle.
The device incorporates GPS for tracking location, Accelerometer for impact detection and Temperature sensor for health monitoring.
In addition, the device can connect to an external module with an RFID tag scanner and a Bluetooth transmitter,
thus allowing it to scan pet identification chips and send them to Bluetooth enabled devices.
By using LoRa as our communication protocol, together with a 600mA/h battery,
we managed to get an estimated run time of more than 30 days with constant acceleration and temperature monitoring.
Location data is transmitted twice per hour, idle current is less than 200μA.
When incorporating small solar panels (two panels 4.2×2.3 cm, connected in parallel),
we expect a runtime gain of about 14 days (assuming one hour of full sun per day), allowing for almost two months between charges.
Final dimensions are 6×5.8×2.8 cm.