The goals of the project are to demonstrate various transmission line phenomena that affect modern high-speed digital systems. Specifically, this is limited to time domain effects occurring from transmission line imperfections that contribute to ISI and noise. In particular, the PCBs will be used to demonstrate the effects of various PCB structures for the HSDS-Lab experiment on high-frequency effects. These effects will be demonstrated via a step or pulse TDR depending on the effect to show provide the clearest possible visual representation. These effects need to demonstrate in such a way as to avoid any unnecessary 'distractions' on signals displayed on an oscilloscope, leading them to appear as in a textbook simplified case.

The effects under examination include:
• Transmission line basics:
o Matched termination
o Unmatched termination
o Open
o Short
o Various R, C, L
• Effects of transmission line width changes
• Effects of stubs
o Open transmission line
o Butterfly
• Effects of vias
• Ground bounce
• Cross-talk (X-talk)
These effects will be demonstrated via a step or pulse TDR depending on the effect to show provide the clearest possible visual representation. These effects need to demonstrate in such a way as to avoid any unnecessary ‘distractions’ on signals displayed on an oscilloscope, leading them to appear as in a textbook simplified case.