The project is designing and implementing a navigation device for helping off-road motorcycle riders, which can call for SOS in emergency case.

A unique device designed for navigation and sos calls in times of emergency for off-road motorcycle, the device is managed by the ESP32 processor which control the work flow, and provided with built-in Bluetooth which can connect to the driver’s phone it uses ublox’s gps to navigate in a planned road, in addition to hmc5883l compass to know the exact direction of the rider.
In emergency case, the device can detect an accident by measuring the acceleration of the motorcycle using the MPU6050 accelerometer, and alert chosen contacts via Bluetooth connection with driver’s phone.
The device power is managed by the power management unit, which includes a chargeable battery and a DCDC converter.
The device schematic was designed using Cadence Orcad, tested and verified using Arduino environment.