In this project we designed and programmed an infrastructure for an interactive home based on voice recognition using Galileo and Raspberry Pi.

In this project we have built a cheap functioning prototype for a smart home system which is based on voice recognition commands. The infrastructure is hardware and software extendible (means that we can add more components and commands in the future easily) and indicates on actions being performed.
The components include in this project:
1) Raspberry Pi – Linux environment
– Listener program – record the voice from the microphone and send the
audio file to voice recognition unit.
– Voice recognition unit – based on WIT learning speech recognition web service online.
2) RabbitMQ SERVER (can run on PC or Rpi) – Linux environment
– Server SW– receive and send the analyzed messages from client to client.
– Command Parser– parse the received string and send a signal to the right Galileo to run the right add-on script
3) Galileo – Arduino environment
– Add-ons scripts written in python using Arduino library.
– Scripts like lights and blinds are already implemented