Frequent need to press the clutch can be a source of physical strain and fatigue for a dirt bike rider.
To address this issue, a system has been developed that uses sensors and a servo motor that assist him in this action and reduce the burden on the rider.

Off-road motorcycle riding can be challenging, especially when it involves frequent clutch presses that tire the rider and make riding difficult.
To address this issue, a team developed a system that uses a servo motor to lower the clutch lever, reducing the physical burden on the rider.
The system is controlled by a pre-written algorithm on an Arduino microcontroller, which receives input from external sensors such as a weight sensor and a distance sensor.
The algorithm determines how to activate the motor and adjust the clutch lever position accordingly.
The entire system is built on a PCB chip for easy installation by a qualified mechanic and is compatible with a wide range of motorcycle models.
Although designed to use multiple sensors, in practice, the weight sensor was found to be effective enough to activate the motor and adjust the lever position as necessary.
By using a combination of sensors and control algorithms, the system provides a more comfortable and efficient riding experience, while also demonstrating the potential for further advancements in the field of motorcycle engineering.