This project is to give a new meat drying experience, where one can dry meat in a monitored environment without having to need to check on it every now and then. The controlled machine ensures the appropriate conditions for the process as determined by the user via its application, and keeps the user updated about meat’s status.

Biltong is a very recognized way of meat drying and preservation, mainly in dry and hot countries. Following the process needs a lot of attention to details of it, and perfecting the meat does requires a certain level of experience. We want to provide the user of our machine constant status about the process.
Meat drying machines nowadays do offer a good control mainly on environment conditions, but they also lack information about meat’s conditions.
In this project, we’ve designed a controlled and monitored meat drier, equipped with a Wi-Fi in order to connect to the application we built. We allow user control over target conditions in the drier, and keep him updated on the readiness of the meat.