Development and design of a small and low power PCB packed with sensors to provide car monitoring and security solution that can work over great distance by using the car's OBD (on board diagnostics),
Information from all cars is transmitted to main circuit using LoRa network.

The Internet of things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the Internet.
The issue of the driving safe has been more and more attended by governments and car industry due to the entrance of new Autonomous driving technologies. and one of the major driving safe techniques is the vehicle diagnostic system development. With the use of this Car monitoring IOT one can receive a clear understanding of the car current state and surroundings using the OBD. It can be used to enhance control and monitor over a large number of vehicles that can connect with each other.
In addition the product contains dedicated sensors in order to provide a security solution in case of theft or accident. The circuit can be programmed to transmit data (including photos) when prompted or when sensors are detecting a security hazard.