The main purpose of Parkinson’s bio-feedback project is to answer the hypothesis that Parkinson tremors can be abated by applying external pulses with different frequencies. The final product analyses tremors and initiates pulses based on the analysis.

Parkinson’s bio-feedback project is a continuation of a previously done project (HSDSL, Technion) which dealt with designing a wearable device (PDU) that detects and alerts of Parkinsons’ tremors. This project integrated the PDU with an off the shelf pulse generator (Compex mi-performance, originally designed for athletes).
The final product detects tremors, analyses the main frequency (3 axis) and selects a program based on the analysis. The implementation required physical integration between the two components using a third component which was specially designed and tailored for the project (by the students), a specifically written code for program analysis and selection and an addition of a feedback and timeout mechanisms.
Hypothesis: Parkinsons’ tremors are characterized by a certain frequency. Applying an external force with a frequency “a bit” different than the resonance frequency will abate tremors.