Smart Helmet

A navigation and accident detection system that located on the helmet and designed for off-road riders.

The escalating number of motorcyclists across various domains, including road commuting, off-road challenges, and competitive racing, has led to a concerning rise in motorcycle accidents. Acknowledging this issue, this project introduces an innovative navigation system specifically tailored for off-road motorcyclists. Recognizing the limitations and high costs associated with existing helmet-mounted navigation solutions in the market, this lightweight system aims to enhance safety and minimize distractions.

This project included planning of the system to achieve the goal of navigating a bike rider, then creation of a PCB design & layout, printing, soldering, bring up and tests. After the PCB was sent to manufacture, the helmet software was developed. The mobile app has been modified too, to work with the helmet module.

The system includes three main components:
PCB with peripheral devices (LED, haptics, and speakers),
detachable power bank and a smartphone with a mobile app.
When on the PCB there are different modules, such as a microSD card mount, DC2DC converter, audio amplifier, etc.

The system works as follows – smartphone application sends a route as a list of points of longitude and latitude, the points loaded into the helmet device before the trip.
Then, the rider’s location is sent to helmet, to provides navigation instructions via voice prompts, vibration alerts, and LED indicators.
In parallel accident detection-based accelerometer, will send a distress signal in case of an accident. transmitting the rider’s location for prompt assistance.
This is a crucial feature for saving lives in emergency situations.

To conclude, this project provides an implementation of a whole navigation system which is lightweight, durable and provides more safety for the rider who uses it.